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We focus our efforts in the areas that we believe are critical to price discovery, market efficiency and transparency for both credit and equity markets.
Constructing loss distribution
  • Binomial expansion approximation
  • Factor approach (semi-analytical)
  • Analytical approach (saddlepoint method)
Structured product modeling
  • Assisting and guiding design processes of security structures
  • Providing strategic advice in client′s securitization process
  • Assigning proxy credit ratings that would most likely be issued by a major credit rating agency
  • Providing analytical support in the "mark-to-market" or "fair value" process
Economic capital calculation//Basel II
  • PD model validation
  • Default correlation estimation
  • Economic capital calculation
  • Internal capital adequacy assessment
  • IT implementation consulting
Counterparty risk
  • Current exposure
  • Potential future exposure
  • Expected exposure
Capital structure arbitrage
  • Credit spread from equity market (derived from volatility surface)
  • Indentifying arbitrage opportunities
     More information about our strategies
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